Friday, November 16, 2012

digital painting ("faron the water dragon gets a makeover")

It's always refreshing to look through your old drawings and get bitten by the redo-bug. I stumbled upon this old painting that I did of Faron, the dragon from Skyward Sword, and I wrote it down on my long list of "THINGS TO REDO."
this is the updated version: 

and this is the old one:

and a process gif! 

here's a process gif of another painting I did. I didn't have a lot of screenshots so the transition between the second to last frame and the last frame is a bit...abrupt. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Graphic Design 06 - Get Out the Vote! ("Lolcat wants you to vote nao")

In Digital Design, our assignment was simply to create a vote poster. A lot of people came up with some really cool stuff!

some sketches and thumbnails

some rough drafts:

some rough drafts:

and, just for fun, Maru: 

WUPR Illustration 01 ("i have no shame with my political views")

For an issue of WUPR, we were tasked to illustrate an article of our choosing. I chose an article that was about the faults of the current GOP, mainly how it devolved from a party that stressed low-taxes and seeking energy sources within the country, to a party made up of conservative-right-wackos (Tea Party) and flip-floppers that utter gaffes every other sentence (Romney) whose party agenda is anti-everything. 

original sketches/thumbnails: 

I think I'm going to revise it in the future. The text could be better arranged, and I could do a better job with coloring. Maybe I'll even change the format/layout of it to better illustrate a sense of passed time?