Sunday, August 5, 2012

figure drawing 02 ("predictable warning: unclothed human beings up ahead")

Over the summer I took a figure drawing class, to brush up on my grasp of the human anatomy and also explore with stylizing the body. Before every session I would do a style warm-up for five minutes or so, to familiarize myself with my own style so that I wouldn't resort to hyper-realistic drawings during the actual session. 

Style warmup! 

30 second ink warmups. 

one minute, with blue pencil

one minute, with red pencil

more one minute drawings, with blue pencil
2 minutes!

10 for the two on the left, 5 for the one on the right. 

15 for this one ("I WILL STRETCH YOU, GOOD SIR.") 

and about 15-ish for this one (it was part of a 20, but I spent the other 5-8 minutes zooming in on his face and hat). 

Caption: "Welcome, ladies." 

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